Artist Statement

My work searches beneath the surface, paring form to its essence and revealing a raw, untamed beauty in both our internal and external landscapes. From the way our bones define flesh or the underlying strength discovered in compositions of delicate forms, I am fascinated by structure.

Using repetition as a powerful building block, I explore themes of fragility, strength and tension in my work through modularity and construction. Texture and pattern result from the building process itself, nothing is superfluous, allowing the material and compositions to rise to the fore.

Everyday experiences, memories and family history are the tiny slivers of life built one atop the other. Sometimes they mold comfortably together, other times the jagged-edged moments poke and tear at their neighbors. My current work delves into personal identity and our sometimes tenuous attempt to hold all the disparate pieces together. What binds those elements of self is a source of inspiration and exploration.

There’s beauty in the elemental and unadorned, like a desert landscape, which exposes the subtle brutality often hidden in plain sight. Yet, I’m searching for an element of mystery, a soulfulness drawing you into the work. It’s that pursuit that propels and reminds me that working with clay is a constant practice of letting go in order to be revealed.